Dream, Dare, Achieve

Mrs Janey Foster, Assistant Head (pastoral) and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Dream, Dare, Achieve

As one of the top all-girls’ independent schools in the area, St. Francis’ prides itself on building intellectually creative minds through rigorous and supportive teaching. However, academic success should be balanced with personal success in everything the children do.

In today’s fast-paced and challenging world, without high levels of wellbeing and resilience, pupils are unable to function well, build strong, positive relationships or get the most out of their education. That is why we place so much focus on close individual care for each student that focuses on wellbeing and personal development.

To achieve this, we focus on instilling, from a young age, the core values of determination, resilience, empowerment, appreciation, motivation, and security (DREAMS). This is threaded throughout the entire curriculum, creating an environment where students are constantly encouraged to have a go, make mistakes, try again, and keep trying until they succeed.

As students move up the school, they gain confidence and self-esteem, becoming young adults who can express their views clearly and respectfully. They develop strong self-discipline and are committed to giving the best in everything they do. This means that the excellent results our students achieve happen naturally.

Dare, Dream Achieve is our philosophy and approach that has become an essential part of the St. Francis’ way, and it’s why our students leave as well-rounded individuals who make a positive impact on society.

Our DREAMS Values:


Students are encouraged to set goals and work diligently to achieve them. By overcoming obstacles and pushing their limits, they develop a strong sense of determination that stays throughout their lives.


Resilience is a vital trait that enables students to bounce back from setbacks and face adversity with courage. Exposing students to new experiences, unfamiliar environments, and challenging tasks pushes their boundaries, encouraging them to step outside their comfort zones. Students learn to adapt, persevere, and thrive in the face of adversity. The resilience cultivated empowers students to face future challenges head-on.


We empower students by enabling them to discover their talents, passions, and strengths. By participating in workshops, leadership activities, and other projects, students gain a sense of empowerment and realise their capacity to make a positive difference in the world. This new-found confidence allows students to embrace their unique abilities.


We create opportunities for students to appreciate the world around them and develop a sense of gratitude, gaining a deeper understanding of the value of empathy, respect, and gratitude. We encourage an appreciation for diverse perspectives and experiences which fosters a more compassionate and inclusive mindset.


We spark motivation by providing students with the chance to explore their interests and passions. By engaging in activities aligned with their talents and aspirations, students find joy and fulfilment. This intrinsic motivation acts as a driving force, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and goals beyond their perceived boundaries. The sense of purpose and motivation instilled becomes a lifelong guiding light.


St. Francis’ is a secure and supportive environment in which students thrive. The collaborative nature of our community fosters a sense of belonging and encourages students to support one another. By working together, sharing experiences, and building connections, students and staff develop a support network that nurtures their emotional well-being. This sense of security allows students to take risks, express themselves freely, and explore their true potential.

By embracing DREAMS, the students are empowered to navigate challenges, cultivate determination, and find intrinsic motivation, meaning they are equipped to turn their dreams into reality. At St. Francis’ we believe that, given the right stimulus, environment, focus and support, and with effort and commitment, our students can be anything they want to be. The education and encouragement they receive unlock the potential within them, enabling them to embrace their dreams and ambitions and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Five Star Week

One event that has proven to be immensely successful in promoting the values that DREAMS represents is Five Star Week. Organised by Mrs Spence (Senior Deputy Head, Education), this one week off-timetable immersive experience is dedicated to enriching (and fun) trips and activities which run across the whole College towards the end of the Summer Term. Five Star Week, which is a real highlight of the College year, not only enriches students’ education, but also empowers them to embrace their own dreams and thrive in all aspects of their lives. It unlocks the potential within students and equips them with essential life skills.

The Programme of activities changes each year, and it is published in plenty of time for students to sign up for what they’d like to do.

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