Film Studies

Mr Samuel Mabbitt, Head of Media and Film Studies

Since receiving his degree in Comparative Literature and English Language and Linguistics, Mr Mabbitt has been teaching Film & Media alongside English Literature and Language for the last 7 years. Outside of his education career, he has been involved in restoring and enhancing footage for music video directors. He has also had the opportunity to work with recording artists, designing the sleeves for single releases, in addition to stage props and material for tours.

Film Studies

Subject Overview

A Level Film Studies
Examination Board: OCR

A Level Film Studies focuses on analytical and critical approaches to film. It also examines how we can use these techniques in our own cinematography/videography.

The aims of this qualification are to enable students to:

  • gain a full appreciation and understanding of the mechanisms that make films communicate meaning and ideas.
  • research different movements within film and analyse different approaches to:
    • cinematography
    • mise-en-scene
    • editing
    • sound
    • performance
  • produce their own content informed by the above skills.

Course Content:

You will have two examinations of a 2 hour duration along with a Non-Examination Assessment piece.

Paper 1: Film History 105 marks 35%
This focuses on three eras of US film history, spanning from silent films up to the 1990s. There will also be a focus on European film movements or stylistic schools.

Paper 2: Critical Approaches to Film 105 marks 35%
In this component, you will understand and apply different critical approaches to film. There is also a focus on narrative, genre, representations and spectatorship. Learners must study a set film from a broad choice of categories.

NEA: Short Film and evaluative analysis 90 marks 30%
Learners will study a compilation of short British fiction films and will produce one of their own. There is an accompanying evaluative analysis to complete along with the product in order to justify production choices in relation to the set short films.


Attendance of film events as well as the customary screenings of the set pieces being shown at the college.

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